Центри оснащені всім необхідним обладнанням для сканування з дотриманням усіх вимог безпеки. Персонал центрів підготовлений і має великий досвід сканування в промислових обсягах. Ці знання дозволяють сканувати не тільки швидко та якісно, але й м’яко та без пошкодження документів.
Ми використовуємо лише спеціалізоване власне програмне забезпечення OnePoint™ та SmartScan™. Це дозволяє нам, з одного боку, виконувати процеси максимально ефективно, підлаштовуючись під нюанси процесу, з іншого боку, це може значно знизити витрати.
Набір фірмових програмних засобів дозволяє мінімізувати ручну працю. У нас є стандартний набір шаблонів, який дозволяє швидко розпочати цей процес для найпоширеніших типів документів. Користувацькі конфігурації доступні для конкретних форматів клієнта.
With the help of InfoLogistics' docuForce solution, we have converted the cash records of the Prisma chain of stores into electronic form. Now the coordination, signing and storage of incoming / outgoing cash orders, as well as cash books occur electronically. We have significantly reduced our costs for this business process.
Our relationship with customers involves the need to provide detailed agency reports along with closing documents. To generate such reports for customers, you need to transfer a large volume of information from invoices from suppliers, most of which use paper documents.
Outsourcing of digitization and data entry from documents from Infologistics has made it possible to significantly reduce labor costs for the process of forming agency acts and scale the process without increasing its own staff company.
To increase operational efficiency, we decided to adhere to the concept of centralized accounting, when there are no accountants in stores, and store managers sign documents from local suppliers. In this regard, the question of the speed of payment of bills arose sharply, since originals from remote stores were delivered to the central office for a long time, and there was no mechanism to control these deliveries.
Infologistics has developed a mobile application for us that allows store employees to quickly take a photo of documents, send them to the Operations Center for recognition and verification, and from there - to payment approval systems. This solution made it possible to significantly reduce the terms of payment of incoming invoices, as well as to ensure control over the receipt of closing documents in the archive.
We have been cooperating with Infologistics for many years and have implemented a large number of projects to optimize the back office in terms of document flow. Archival storage of documents in a physical and electronic archive, integration solutions for processing incoming documents, a single archive of electronic documents from different sources and scanned copies - all these solutions have shown high reliability and efficiency.
Thank you, Our specialists will contact you as soon as possible !